Saturday, 27 August 2011



God bless !

Wednesday, 17 August 2011


Below is a dialogue between members during prayer meeting. The names mentioned are fictitious and do not particularize any person either living or dead.

Bilat : “After last Sunday morning service, one of our church members commented we are no longer under the Old Covenant (referring to era of the Old Testament ) but under the New Covenant (referring to era of the New Testament ). As such, it is not really relevant for Christians to read the Old Testament...the New Testament is sufficient because Christianity is all about Christ’s redemptive mission.

Uziat : “ I’ve also heard someone made similar remarks sometime ago .....How do we make our church members understand the importance of membaca Perjanjian Lama (Old Testament) selaras dengan Perjanjian Baru (New Testament).....”

Eliat : “If any Christian or any particular church denomination say that is so, the teaching is incomplete and not right. Because the Bible is made up of two main books: The Old and New Testament. To understand and appreciate God’s creation and plan in proper contexts and perspectives, we must read both ....Tampa Perjanjian Lama maka Perjanjian Baru tidak  wujud......”

Manat: “ I agree with Eliat..... For me, I’m inclined to look at the issue between the two books in its shortest summary or form. The Old Testament is about JESUS CONCEALED and the New Testament is about JESUS REVEALED...”

Ideat : “ We can discuss, argue and debate the matter endlessly... not even until the cow come home ... What is imperative for us now is to start reading and meditating on the first chapter of the first book in the Old testament which is Genesis..... Let me try to explain the importance of Genesis. You’re free to agree ... disagree ... All can chip-in ...after all we’re just ordinary believers without any theological training..."

Uziat : “We pray to ask God’s Holy Spirit to come as our Helper ...Remember God’s promise in Jeremiah 33:3 – God said: ‘Call to Me, and I will answer you ....’ Let’s call upon Him as we sing ‘Come Holy Spirit ...’ prayerfully.’

Manat : “Let me just say something before Ideat begins to share  ... To me the OT can be likened to the beginning part of a movie, and the NT is the last part and end of the movie ... Just to see the last and ending part of the movie doesn’t put the Bible in context and right perspective...”

Ideat: “Manat is right ... ‘Genesis’ means ‘beginnings’ or ‘origins’. Genesis introduces God. I think that it is quite helpful to explain ‘Genesis’ in terms its purposes below.
 (a) Genesis unfolds the records of beginning of the world, of human history, of family (Abraham as father of multitude of nations), of civilization......
(b) Genesis is an account or a story of God’s purpose and plan for His creation.
(c) Genesis sets the stage for the entire Bible until Revelation.
(d) Genesis reveals the person and nature of God - Creator, Sustainer, Judge and Redeemer.
(e) Genesis reveals the value of dignity of human beings - made in the image of God (Gen.1:26) - saved by His grace (Eph.2:8-10), used by God in the world (Gen.1:28-29).
(f) Genesis tells the tragedy and consequences of sin.  The Fall - Adam & Eve, Separation from God, and Judgement.
(h) Genesis speaks about God’s promise and assurance of salvation (through faith) – Covenant (Abraham & believers), Forgiveness, and the promised Yeshua al-Messiah (Jesus the Christ).
(i) Genesis proves God’s faithfulness using ordinary people of faith to do great things
     (Isaac, Jacob, Joseph ...)
We’ll understand better about God, as we read Genesis which has 50 chapters. To start with we read Chapter 1God’s story of the great Creation."

Ideat: “Can any one of us identify any particular verse or verses out of the 31 verses, which stand-out according to our respective understandings....

Bilat: “I see verse 26 as the most outstanding ....which says: ‘Then God said: Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the sky, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping things that creeps on the earth.’ In other words, God creates human beings as masters and rulers of planet earth.

Uziat:What makes the verse most outstanding .....?”

Manat: “The verse speaks of two things (i) we (human beings) are created in the image of God, and (ii) we are given authority to rule over living creatures..It is a reason why God created man last on the sixth day....”

Eliat:What is really meant by ‘created in God’s image’? Is it the physical image of God? What about someone who is born with physical infirmity or deformity- is he/she not created the image of God? In this, I see God has no physical image. So it follows that man’s likeness of God is not physical in the first instance but spiritual. Why did God make the second part of man in the physical body or form using His hands?" 

Uziat: “I agree with Eliat.. I see the logic why God gave Adam (hence all mankind) the physical body. Because it takes the physical body to rule the physical world ....When we read onward in Chapter 2, verse 7 says: The Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breath into his nostril the breath of life  (to live in the physical world), and so man became living physical being (on earth).’ .... God-given breath of life (= life to live in the physical world) is given in through our nostrils.

The very minute we stop breathing (or the last in-and-out breath) through the nostrils, that is when the physical body cease to live and start decaying into dust (Gen.3:19...Till you return to the ground. Because from it you are taken: For your are dust, And to dust you shall return”). That is a reason to believe that the spirits or souls of the departed leave the physical bodies to return to God-created spiritual worlds.....heaven or hell depending on the lives ones live while on planet earth.”

Bilat: “It is getting very interesting... first we’re spiritual beings (the spiritual images of God) before we become physical or human beings to inhabit and rule the physical world.....To live in this world – ‘Man shall not live on by bread alone (=food for our physical bodies available from the physical world), but on every word that proceed out from mouth of God’ (=God-breatged words as spiritual food for the spiritual part of our beings -available from written and readable in the Bible.)’ -Matthew4:4".

Manat: “From the discussion so far, we can answer three emerging questions: (i) Who am I ? I’m God-created spiritual human being; (ii) Why am I here (spiiritually and physically in planet earth)? Because of God’s spiritual and physical plan and purposes for human-kinds to inhabit and rule planet earth; and (iii) Where am I going? The physical body is going to die and decay but the spiritual part is going to one of God-created spiritual worlds – Which one? Heeeee...’

Eliat: ‘For believers in Jesus Christ ... no worry lah...there is hope of eternity with God for Jesus said: ’I am the way, and the truth, and the life, no one come to the Father (God), but through Me.’(John 14:6). Jesus also assures believers saying; ‘I am the resurrection and the life, he who believes in Me shall live even if he dies.’ (John 11:25). God sets eternity in the heart of man. This we can read in Ecclesiastes 3:11-22)”

Ideat: “I think we’ve more than enough to chew for the time being.  When we meet again we’ll discuss further...particularly on the order of God’s creation and part of God’s genetic engineering....Read Genesis and be encouraged!”

Monday, 8 August 2011


Below is a dramatic TESTIMONY of an Indonesian Bible college student who came back miracoulously from death to life.  The story (including pictures) was sent to me by "saudara sa-iman".

It is noted that some parts of the translation and/or description on some parts of the event were not quite clear. However, it is suffice to say that the overall story including the transaltion are  generally clear.
Further reference: Evangelist dari Doulos Bible School akan memberi kesaksian
Published 09/04/2008 – 9:10 GMT
http://www.HOME/AMERIKA/SF Evangelist dari Doulos Bible School akan memberi kesaksian
Below: Photograph of Evangelist Dominggus

“Sebab sama seperti Bapa membangkitkan orang-orang mati dan menghidupkannya, demikian juga Anak menghidupkan barangsiapa yang dikehendaki-Nya.”Yohanes 5:21. ("For as the Father raises the dead and gives life to them, even so the Son gives life to whom He will." John 5:21)

 Saudara-saudara yang dikasihi oleh Tuhan, dalam kesempatan ini saya akan bersaksi tentang peristiwa kematian dan kehidupan yang saya alami pada tanggal 15 Desember 1999. Peristiwa ini juga merupakan suatu tragedi bagi yayasan Doulos, Jakarta dimana STT Doulos ada di dalamnya dan saya adalah mahasiswa yang tinggal di asrama. Sebelum penyerangan dan pembakaran Yayasan Doulos tanggal 15 Desember itu, beberapa kali saya mendapat mimpi-mimpi sebagai berikut:  Brothers and sisters that are loved by God, I take this opportunity to share my testimony about how I experienced dying and then coming back to life on 15th December 1999. This incident was also a tragedy for Doulos Bible College, in Doulos, Jakarta where I was a boarding student in the college. Before the riot and burning down of the Doulos Bible College in 15 December 1999, I had dreams a few times as follows:

1. Minggu, 12 Desember 1999, saya bertemu dengan Tuhan Yesus dan malaikat, saya terkejut dan bangun lalu berdoa selesai saya tidur kembali.
2. Senin, 13 Desember 1999, saya bermimpi lagi, dengan mimpi yang sama.
3. Selasa, 14 Desember 1999, dalam mimpi saya bertemu dengan seorang pendeta pada suatu ibadah KKR, isi khotbah yang disampaikan mengenai akhir zaman, adanya penganiayaan dan pembantaian.
4. Rabu, 15 Desember 1999, kurang lebih pukul 08.00 pagi, saya mendapatkan huruf “M” dengan darah di bawah kulit pada telapak tangan kanan saya. Dalam kebingungan dan sambil bertanya-tanya dalam hati, apakah saya akan mati? Saya bertanya kepada teman-teman dan pendapat mereka adalah bahwa kita akan memasuki millennium yang baru. Walaupun pendapat mereka demikian saya tetap merasa tidak tenang serta gelisah karena dalam pikiran saya huruf “M” adalah mati, bahwa saya akan mengalami kematian.
1. Sunday, 12 December 1999, I dreamt that I met Jesus Christ and the angels. I was startled into consciousness. I prayed and then went back to sleep.
2. Monday, 13 December 1999, I dreamt again, with the same dream.
3. Tuesday, 14 December 1999, in my dream I met a pastor in a conference service. The sermon during the service was about the end times, where there will be believers who will be tortured and there would be mass murders.
4. Wednesday, 15 December 1999, at about 8 am, I saw the letter "M" with blood below my skin on my right palm. I was confused and questions arose within my heart, "Am I going to die?" (the Indonesian word for death is Mati). I asked my friends for their opinion and they said very likely it's becasue we are going into the new millenium. Even though they were optimistic, I still did not feel at peace because in my mind, "M" is death, and that I would experience death.

Saya hanya bisa berdoa dan membuka Alkitab. Sekitar pukul 15.00 saya membaca firman Tuhan dari Kitab Yeremia 33:3 “Berserulah kepada-Ku, maka Aku akan menjawab Engkau.” Dan pada pukul 18.00, tanda huruf “M” di telapak tangan saya sudah hilang. I could only pray and read the Bible. Around 15:00 hours I read God's Word from Jeremiah 33:3 "Call to me and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know". And at 18:00 hours, the sign "M" on my right palm disappeared.

Kampus dan Asrama Mahasiswa Doulos Diserang (The college and boarding students of Doulos Bible College under attack)
Pada malam hari tanggal 15 Desember 1999, kegiatan berlangsung biasa di dalam asrama kampus STT Doulos. Sebagian mahasiswa ada sedang belajar, yang lain memasak di dapur dan ada pula yang sedang berdoa. Saya sendiri sedang berbaring di kamar. Kurang lebih jam 21.00 malam itu, saya dibangunkan oleh seorang teman sambil berteriak: “Domi, bangun, kita diserang…!” Saya langsung bangun dalam keadaan panik, saya langsung berlari ke halaman kampus dan melihat sebagian kampus kami yang telah terbakar. Saat itu saya berkata kepada Tuhan: “Tuhan, saya mau lari kemana? Tuhan, kalau saya lari lewat pintu gerbang depan pasti saya dibacok.” On the night of 15th December 1999, the routine of Doulos Bible College was running as usual. Some students were studying, some were cooking in the kitchen and some were praying. I was lying down in my room. At approximately 21:00 hours that night, I was awoken by my friend who was shouting, "Domi, get up! We are under attack....!" I woke up quickly and felt very panicky. I ran to the college yard and saw some of the buildings were already on fire. At that time I said to God, "God, where should I run? God, if I run to the front gate, they will knife me."

Sementara pikiran saya bertambah kalut ketika teringat akan tanda huruf “M” yang diberikan pada tangan saya. “Tuhan, apakah saya akan mati?” Saya menoleh ke belakang, ada beberapa teman sekamar yang lari menyelamatkan diri masing-masing. Di belakang kampus kami dikelilingi pagar kawat duri setinggi 2 meter, saya tidak bisa melompat keluar dengan cara mengangkat kawat itu. Dengan tangan sedikit terluka akhirnya saya pun dapat keluar. While I was thinking and panicking, I remembered the sign "M" that was on my right palm. "God, am I going to die?" I looked behind me. There were a few of my room mates running for their lives. At the back of the college, there was a 2 metres high fence with barbed wires on top of it. I couldn't climb out without spiking my hands, so my hands were hurt but finally I managed to get out.

Kami sudah berada di luar pagar dengan keadaan takut dan gemetar karena di sana terdapat massa atau orang banyak yang tidak dikenal, mereka membawa golok, pentungan, batu dan botol berisi bensin atau Molotov. Kemudian kami berpisah dengan teman-teman, saya tidak tahu apa yang terjadi dengan mereka. We were already outside the fence, shaking with fear because there was a mass of people that we didn't recognise. They were all carrying big knives, bats, rocks, and bottles full of petrol or Molotov cockyail of burning fuel. Then we split up, so I didn't know what happened to the others.

Saya lari menuju kos kakak tingkat semester 10, yang letaknya tidak jauh dari kampus. Sementara saya berlari, saya tetap berdoa kepada Tuhan: “Tuhan berkati saya, ampuni dosa dan kesalahan saya.” Setiba di rumah kos itu, saya mengetuk pintu sebanyak 2 kali tetapi tidak ada yang membukakan pintu. I ran toward my older sister-in-Christ 's house who was in Semester 10; her home was not far away from the college. While I was running, I kept praying to God: "God please bless me, forgive all my sins and my faults." After I got to her place, I knocked on her door twice but there was no answer.

Ternyata di belakang saya ada 4 teman mahasiswi yang juga lari mengikuti dari belakang. Mereka memanggil saya: “Domi, ikut ke rumah kami,” tetapi saya berkata kepada mereka, “biar saya bersembunyi di sini.” Masih berada di depan rumah kos tersebut, saya berdoa lagi “Oh.. Tuhan, apakah malam ini saya akan mati? Ampuni dosa dan kesalahan saya.” I didn't know it but behind me were 4 other students who were running and following me. They were all shouting at me, "Domi, follow us to our house," but I said to them, "It's ok, I'll hide here." Still waiting in front of my friend's place, I prayed again "Oh...God, will I die tonight? Please forgive my sin and all my faults."

Ditangkap oleh Massa (The masses got me)
Saya mengetuk pintu lagi, tetapi tidak ada orang yang menjawab, saya berdoa kembali: “Tuhan.. ini hari terakhir untuk saya hidup.” Terdengar suara massa yang semakin mendekat kepada saya. Mereka berkata: “Itu mahasiswa Doulos, tangkap dia!” Ada juga yang berteriak: “Bantai dia, tembak!” Seketika itu saya ditangkap dan saya hanya bisa berserah kepada Tuhan sambil berkata: “Tuhan saya sudah di tangan mereka, saya tidak bisa lari lagi.”  I kept knocking the door, but there was no answer. I prayed again: "God...this is the last day for me to live." I could hear the mass of people were approaching and getting closer towards me. They were all saying, "That's one of the students of Doulos, let's get him!" Others were shouting: "Let's kill him, shoot him!"  They caught hold of me and I could only surrender to God and say, "God...they have already got me, I'm already in their hands, I cannot escape any more."

Kemudian tangan saya diikat ke belakang dan mata saya ditutup dengan kain putih. Saya tetap berdoa dalam keadaan takut dan gemetar: “Tuhan ampuni dosa saya, pada saat ini Engkau pasti di samping saya.” Tiba-tiba ada suara terdengar oleh saya entah dari mana, yang berkata: “Jangan takut, Aku menyertai engkau, Akulah Tuhan Allahmu.” Setelah mendengar suara itu, rasa ketakutan dan kegentaran hilang, karena saya sudah pasrahkan kepada Tuhan. Then they tied my hands behind me, and covered my head with a white cloth. I was still praying, shaking with fear. "God please forgive my sins, I know that You are beside me right now." Suddenly there was a voice, I didn't know where it came from, but it said: "Don't be afraid, I AM with you, I AM your GOD." Upon hearing that voice, my fears and shaking disappeared, because I had given up everything and surrendered to God totally.

Penganiayaan dan Kematian (Torture and Death) Mereka membawa saya ke tempat yang gelap, saya dipukuli dan ditendang. Saya dihadapkan dengan massa yang jumlah orangnya lebih banyak, saat itu mereka ragu, apakah saya mahasiswa Doulos atau warga sekitarnya. Sebagian massa ada yang terus mendesak untuk memotong dan membunuh saya. They took me to a dark place; I was beaten and kicked. I didn't know how many of them were there. At first they hesitated, not sure whether I was a student of Doulos or just another person from the neighbourhood. However, some of them insisted that I should be killed.

Saya berdoa lagi: “Tuhan, fisik saya kecil, kalau saya mati, saya yakin masuk sorga. Saat ini saya serahkan nyawa saya ke dalam tangan kasih-Mu, ampunilah mereka.” Saat itu kepala saya dipukul dari belakang dan terjatuh di atas batu, saya tidak sadar akan apa yang terjadi lagi. I prayed again: "God, my physique is small, so if I die, I believe I'll go to heaven. Right now I surrender my soul into Your loving hands, please forgive them." At that moment, I felt a blow from behind and I fell on top of a rock. After that, I didn't know what happen.

Roh Saya Keluar Dari Tubuh (My Soul came out of my Body)
Kemudian ... roh saya terangkat keluar dari tubuh saya, roh saya berbentuk seperti orang yang sedang start lari atau sedang jongkok, lalu lurus seperti orang yang berenang kemudian berdiri. Roh saya melihat badan saya dan berkata: “Kok badan saya tinggal” (sebanyak dua kali). Roh saya berdiri tidak menyentuh tanah dan tidak tahu mau berjalan kemana, karena di sekeliling saya gelap gulita, kurang lebih lima detik, roh saya berkata: “Mau ke mana?” soul was lifted out of my body. It was shaped like a man squatting down, ready to start running. Then it doubled up like a man ready to swim and finally it straightened up. My soul looked at my body and said: "How come my body is left behind?" (about two times). My soul was standing up but didn't touch the ground and it didn't know where to go, because it was surrounded by darkness. About 5 seconds later, my soul said: "Where should I go?"

Lima Malaikat Datang Menjemput Saya (Five Angels came and picked me up)
Saat itu ada lima malaikat datang kepada saya, dua berada di sebelah kiri, dua di sebelah kanan dan satu malaikat berada di depan saya. Tempat yang tadinya gelap gulita telah berubah menjadi terang dan saya sudah tidak dapat melihat badan saya lagi. Roh saya dibawa oleh malaikat-malaikat tersebut menuju jalan yang lurus, dan pada ujung jalan itu sempit seperti lubang jarum. Roh saya berkata: “Badan saya tidak dapat masuk.” Tetapi malaikat yang di depan saya bisa masuk, lalu roh saya berkata lagi: “Badan rohani saya kecil pasti bia masuk.” Kemudian roh saya masuk melalui lubang jarum tersebut. “Kemudian matilah orang miskin itu, lalu dibawa oleh malaikat-malaikat ke pangkuan Abraham.” Lukas 16:22. At that moment, 5 angels came towards me, 2 were on my left, and 2 were on my right side and 1 angel was right in front of me. The place which was so dark suddenly turned so bright that I couldn't see my body anymore. My soul was taken by the angels to a straight road, and the end of that road was as small as a needle hole. My soul said "My body won't be able to go through that hole." But the angel in front of me said I would be able to. Then my soul said again "My eternal body is small, so I must be able to fit in." Then my soul went through that small needle hole. " "So it was that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom." Luke 16:22

Berada di Dalam Firdaus (In the Firdaus)
Saat itu saya sudah berada di dalam sebuah halaman yang luas. Halaman itu sangat luas, indah dan tidak ada apa-apa. Roh saya berkata: “Kalau ada halaman pasti ada rumahnya.” Tiba-tiba saat itu ada rumah, saya dibawa masuk ke dalam rumah tersebut dan bertemu dengan banyak orang di kamar pertama. Roh saya berkata: “Ini orang-orang yang percaya kepada Yesus Kristus, mereka ditempatkan di sini.” Mereka sedang bernyanyi, bertepuk tangan, ada yang berdiri, ada yang duduk dan ada yang meniup sangkakala.“Di rumah Bapaku banyak tempat tinggal. Jika tidak demikian, tentu Aku mengatakannya kepadamu. Sebab Aku pergi ke situ untuk menyediakan tempat bagimu.” Yohanes 14:2  Momentarily, I was in a huge yard. The yard was so huge and beautiful but there was nothing there. My soul said: "If there's a yard, surely there must be a house." Sure enough, there appeared a house. I was taken inside and saw many people in the first room. My soul said:" This are people who believe in Jesus Christ, they are put here." They were singing, clapping hands; some were standing up, some were sitting down and some were blowing the trumpet. "In My Father's house are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you." John 14:2

Dibawa ke Ruangan Selanjutnya (Taken to the next room)
Saya dibawa oleh malaikat-malaikat ke kamar selanjutnya atau kedua, sama dengan kamar yang pertama, hanya disini roh saya melihat orang-orang dengan wajah yang sama dan postur tubuh yang sama. Kemudian saya dibawa lagi ke kamar yang ketiga, yang sama dengan kamar yang pertama. Dan roh saya berkata: “Ini orang-orang yang percaya kepada Yesus Kristus, ditempatkan di sini.” Lalu roh saya dibawa ke kamar yang keempat yaitu kamar yang terakhir, pada saat ini saya hanya sendiri, tidak disertai oleh malaikat-malaikat tadi. Kamar itu kosong, lalu roh saya berkata: “Ini penghakiman terakhir, saya masuk sorga atau neraka.I was taken by the angels to another room; it was like the first room, here my soul saw people with the same expressions and same actions. Then I was taken to the third room, which was the same like the first room. And my soul said: "These are people who believe in Jesus Christ." Then my soul was taken to the fourth room which was the last room, only this time I was left alone. The angels weren't with me. That room was empty and then my soul said: "This is the last judgement, am I going to heaven or hell?"

“Karena sekarang telah tiba saatnya penghakiman dimulai, dan pada rumah Eloim sendiri yang harus pertama-tama dihakimi. Dan jika penghakiman itu dimulai pada kita, bagaimanakah kesudahannya dengan mereka yang tidak percaya pada Injil Eloim? Dan jika orang benar hampir-hampir tidak diselamatkan, apakah yang akan terjadi dengan orang fasik dan orang berdosa?”1 Petrus 4:17-18.  “For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?  “If the righteous one is scarcely saved, Where will the ungodly and the sinner appear?” 1 Peter 4:17-18.

Bertemu Dengan Tuhan Yesus (Meeting with Jesus Christ)
Kemudian roh saya berjalan tiga sampai empat langkah, di depan saya ada sinar atau cahaya yang sangat terang seperti matahari, maka roh saya tidak dapat menatap. Saya menutup mata dan terdengar suara: “Berlutut!” Seketika itu roh saya berlutut, terlihat sebuah kitab terbuka dan dari dalamnya keluar tulisan yang masuk ke mata saya yang masih tertutup, tulisan timbul dan hilang terus menerus, roh saya berkata: “Tuhan...! ini perbuatan saya minggu lalu, bulan lalu, tahun lalu. Saya melakukan yang jahat dan saya tidak pernah mengaku dosa pribadi, sehingga Engkau mencatatnya di sini.” Then my soul walked about 3 to 4 steps. In front of me there was a shining light, as bright as the sun, so my soul was dazzled and couldn't see. I closed my eyes and heard: "Kneel!" My soul knelt down, and I could see a Book being opened and from inside came out words; written words that came out and disappeared progressively. My soul cried: "God...! this is what I did last week, last month, last year. I did those evil things and I did not confess personally, so You wrote them here."

“Tuhan...! Saya ingin seperti saudara-saudara di kamar pertama, yang selalu memuji dan memuliakan Engkau. Tuhan...! Saya tahu Engkau mati di atas kayu salib untuk menebus dosa saya, saya rindu seperti saudara-saudara yang berada di kamar pertama, kedua dan ketiga yang selalu memuji-muji Engkau.” "God...! I want to be like the brothers and sisters in the first room, always singing and worshipping You. God...! I know You died on the cross to take away my sins, I long to be like the others in the first, second and third rooms, who are always worshipping You."

Sesudah itu tulisan yang keluar dari kitab itu hilang, buku menjadi bersih tanpa tulisan, kemudian buku itu hilang dan sinar yang terang itupun hilang dan ada suara berkata: “Pulang! Belum saatnya untuk melayani Aku.” After that, the written word that came out of the book disappeared and the book became clean without any words in it. The book disappeared altogether with the bright light and there was a voice that said said: "Go home! It is not yet time to serve Me."

Saya melihat-lihat dari mana arah suara itu datang, saya melihat ada seorang di samping kanan. Orang tersebut badan-Nya seperti manusia, rambut hingga ke lehernya bersinar terang. Jubah-Nya putih hingga menutupi kedua tangan-Nya dan bawah jubah-Nya menutupi kaki-Nya. Ia menunggangi seekor kuda putih dengan tali les yang putih. Lalu roh saya berkata: “Ini Tuhan Yesus, Dia seperti saya, Dia Eloim yang hidup.” I looked around to see the source of that voice. I saw a person on my right side. His body was humanlike; His hair reached to his neck and it was shining brightly. His gown was so bright white and it covered both of His hands and reached down to cover both of His feet. He was riding a white horse with a white robe. Then my soul said: "This is Jesus Christ; He is like me, He is the Living Eloim/God."

“Lalu aku melihat sorga terbuka; sesungguhnya, ada seekor kuda putih dan Ia yang menungganginya bernama: “Yang Setia dan Yang Benar” Ia menghakimi dan berperang dengan adil.” Wahyu 19:11. "Then I saw the heavens opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war." Revelation 19:11

Kemudian Tuhan Yesus tidak nampak lagi dan seketika itu roh saya dibawa pulang ke dalam tubuh saya. Saat itu juga ada nafas, ada pikiran dan saya berpikir, tadi saya bersama dengan Tuhan Yesus. Setelah itu saya mencoba beberapa kali untuk bangun dan mengangkat kepala, tetapi tidak bisa, terasa sakit sekali, saya baru sadar bahwa leher saya telah dipotong dan hampir putus, kemudian saya dibuang ke semak-semak dengan ditutupi daun pisang. Saya merasa haus, lalu menggerakkan tangan mengambil darah tiga tetes dan menjilatnya, lalu badan saya mulai bergerak.  Then I couldn't see Jesus Christ any more and in that moment my soul was taken back into my body. Suddenly, there was breath, there was thought and I remembered that just a moment ago I was with Jesus Christ. I tried a few times to get up and lift my head, but I couldn't. it was so painful and then I realised that my neck was cut through and almost came off. I was thrown into the bushes and covered with banana leaves. I felt very thirsty, and then I moved my hands and took 3 drops of blood and licked them. My body was starting to move.

Saya berdoa: “Tuhan, lewat peristiwa ini saya telah bertemu dengan Engkau, dan Engkau memberikan nafas dan kekuatan yang baru sehingga aku hidup kembali, tapi Tuhan, Engkau gerakkan orang supaya ada yang membawa saya ke rumah sakit.”  I prayed: "God, through this incident I have already met You, and You gave me breath and new strength for me to live again, but God, please move somebody so that I can be taken me to hospital."

Tuhan menjawab doa saya, malam itu ada orang yang mendekati saya dengan memakai lampu senter, lalu bertanya: “Kamu dari mana?” Saya tidak bisa menjawab, karena saya tidak dapat berbicara lewat mulut, tidak ada suara yang keluar, hanya hembusan nafas yang melalui luka-luka menganga pada leher. Kemudian orang tersebut memanggil polisi. God answered my prayer. In the darkness, a man approached me with a bright torch, and asked me," Where are you from?"  I couldn't answer, because I couldn't talk through my mouth. There was no voice coming out, just the sound of breathing through the open wound in the neck. Then that person called the police.

Puji Tuhan! Dikira sudah meninggal tetapi masih hidup. Mereka mengira saya sudah meninggal, mereka mengangkat dan membawa saya ke jalan raya. Kemudian polisi mencari identitas atau KTP saya, ternyata tidak ditemukan. Tanpa identitas, mereka bermaksud membawa saya ke sebuah rumah sakit lain, tetapi saya ingat kembali akan suara Tuhan dan takhta-Nya di sorga, ternyata ada kekuatan baru dari Tuhan Yesus yang memampukan saya dapat berbicara. Tiba-tiba saya berkata: “Nama saya Dominggus, umur saya 20 tahun, semester III, tinggal di asrama Doulos, saya berasal dari Timor.”  Praise God! They thought I was already dead but I was still alive. They lifted me and took me to the main road. Then the police searched for my identity or citizenship card, but they couldn't find it. As they couldn't identify me, they tried to take me to a hospital away from Doublos, but then I remember of God's voice and His throne in Heaven. Suddenly, with new found strength from Jesus Christ, I was able to speak. I said: "My name is Dominggus, I am 20 years old, 3rd semester. I live in the Doulos boarding school. I am from Timor."

Orang-orang yang sedang melihat dan mendengar saya, berkata: “Wah, dia dipotong dari jam berapa? Sekarang sudah jam 02.30 pagi, tapi dia masih hidup.” The people surrounding saw and heard me speak and they marvelled: " long has his neck been cut through? It is now 2:30 in the morning, but he is still alive."

Perjalanan ke Rumah Sakit UKI (Journey to UKI Hospital)

Kemudian mereka memasukkan saya ke dalam mobil dan meletakkan saya di bawah.. Saya tetap mengingat peristiwa ketika Tuhan Yesus dianiaya. Sementara mobilmeluncur dengan kecepatan tinggi, saat melewati jalan berlubang atau tidak rata mobilpun berguncang dan saya merasa sangat sakit sekali pada luka di leher. Saya katakan kepada Tuhan: “Tuhan, apakah saya dapat bertahan di dalam mobil ini? Tuhan ketika Engkau di atas kayu salib, Engkau meminum cuka dan empedu, tetapi saya menjilat darah saya sendiri karena tidak ada orang yang menjagai saya.”  Then they put me in a car and laid me down. I remembered how Jesus was betrayed and tortured. The car was speeding fast and through the uneven road full of bumps and holes, I felt extreme pain in my neck. Then I said to God; "God, will I survive in this car? God, when you were on the cross, You drank sour wine and hyssop (John 19:29), and I licked my own blood because no one is taking care of me."

Saya membuka mata, ternyata memang tidak ada seorangpun yang menjagai saya, hanya seorang supir. Tetapi saya melihat beberapa malaikat berjubah putih menjaga dan mengelilingi saya. Saya katakan: “Tuhan ini malaikat-malaikat pelindung saya, mereka setia menjagai.” Saya harus berdoa agar tetap kuat.  I then opened my eyes, and it was true that no one was taking care of me. there was just the driver. But I saw a few angels with white gowns surrounding and protecting  me. I said: "God these are my guardian angels, they are faithfully guarding me." I needed to pray to stay strong.Perawatan di Rumah Sakit (Treatment in hospital)

Setiba di rumah sakit, suara saya dapat normal kembali. Saya dapat berbicara dan bertanya kepada perawat: “Bapak saya mana?” Perawat RS bertanya kepada saya: “Bapakmu siapa?” Saya jawab: “Bapak Ruyandi Hutasoit.” Ketika Bpk. Ruyandi menemui saya, ia berkata: “Dominggus.. leher kamu putus!” Jawab saya: “Bapak doakan saya, sebab saya tidak akan mati, saya telah bertemu dengan Tuhan Yesus.” Lalu Bpk. Ruyandi mendoakan dan menumpangkan tangan atas saya.  When we arrived at the hospital, my voice returned back to normal. I could speak and asked the nurse: "Sir, where am I?" The nurse from the hospital asked me: "Sir, who is your father?" I said: "Mr Ruyandi Hutasoit." When my father saw me, he said: "Dominggus....your neck was almost severed!" I said: "Father, please pray for me. I don't want to die. I have already met Jesus Christ." Then my father prayed and laid hands on me.

Setelah itu saya mendapat perawatan, seorang dokter ahli saraf hanya menjahit kulit leher saya, karena luka bacokan sudah menembus sampai ke tulang belakang leher, sehingga cairan otak mengalir keluar, saluran nafas dan banyak saraf yang putus. Kemudian saya dirawat tiga hari di ruangan ICU dan selama perawatan saya tidak diberikan transfusi darah. Pendapat dokter pada saat itu adalah bahwa saya akan mati dan saya tidak diharapkan hidup, mengingat cairan otak yang telah keluar dan infeksi yang terjadi pada otak, yang semua itu akan menimbulkan cacat seumur hidup.  After that, I received treatment where a doctor specialising in nerves attended to the deep wound and just sewed up the skin of my neck, because the wound was already cut deep through to the spinal cord at the neck, and the liquid from the brain kept coming out. The breathing channel and many nerves were already severed. I was treated for 3 days in Intensive Care Unit. During treatment I was not given any blood infusion. According to doctors at that time, I was supposed to die as the liquid from the brain was draining out. There was already infection in the brain, and I would be disabled for the rest of my life.

Mukjizat Kesembuhan Terjadi (Miracles of Healing taken place)

Tanggal 19 Desember 1999 dengan panas badan 40°C dan seluruh wajah yang bengkak karena infeksi, saya dipindahkan keluar dari ruang ICU, dikarenakan ada pasien lain yang sangat memerlukan dan masih mempunyai harapan hidup yang lebih besar daripada saya.  On the 19 December 1999 with a body temperature of 40 degree Celcius, and a swollen face due to infection, I was moved out from the ICU because other patients needed the bed and they still had more hope of living compared to me.

Pada malam hari, roh saya kembali keluar untuk kedua kali dari tubuh saya, roh saya melihat suasana kamar dimana saya dirawat dan kemudian roh saya berjalan sejauh kurang lebih dua atau tiga kilometer dalam suasana terang di sekeliling saya. Tiba-tiba ada suara terdengar oleh saya: “Pulang..pulang...!” That same night, my soul came out again from my body for the second time. My soul saw the room where I was being treated.  A bright atmosphere surrounded me as my soul walked about 2 or 3 km. Then suddenly I heard a voice said "Go home....Go home....!"

Seketika itu juga, roh saya kembali ke dalam tubuh saya, suhu tubuh menjadi normal dan tidak ada lagi infeksi. Kemudian terdengar bunyi seperti orang menekukkan jari-jari pada leher saya, lalu otot, tulang, saluran nafas dan saraf-saraf tersambung dalam sekejab mata, saya merasa tidak sakit dan dapat menggerakkan leher. Sesudah itu saya diberi minum dan makan bubur. Saya sudah hidup kembali, dengan kesehatan yang sangat baik. Puji Tuhan! Suddenly my soul went straight back to my body. My body temperature returned to normal and there was no more infection. Then I heard a sound like someone was bending their fingers to my neck, muscles, bones and breathing channels. The nerves were connected back together in the blink of an eye. I didn't feel any more pain and I could move my neck. After that I was given a drink and rice porridge. I had already come back to live, with very good health. Praise God!

Keluar dari Rumah Sakit dalam Keadaan Sembuh Total (Came our of hospital with absolutely healthy and healed)

Saya berada di rumah sakit sejak tanggal 16 Desember 1999 dini hari dan keluar dari rumah sakit pada tanggal 29 Desember 1999, dengan berat badan normal dibanding dua minggu yang lalu karena banyak darah dan cairan yang telah keluar. Saya telah sembuh sempurna, tanpa cacat, tanpa perawatan jalan, saya hidup kembali dengan normal. I was in the hospital since early in the morning of 16 December 1999  and came out of hospital on the 29 December 1999, with a normal body weight. This was a stark contrast to 2 weeks before where I had lost a lot of blood and body fluids. I was healed perfectly, without any kind of disability, without ongoing medication or treatment. I has returned to normal life.

“Terima kasih Tuhan Yesus, Engkau sungguh Eloim yang hidup dan ajaib, terpujilah nama-Mu kekal sampai selamanya, amin!” "Thank you, Jesus Christ, You are a true Eloin/God that is alive and full of miracles. Praise Your name forever and eternally, AMEN!"

Sumber: Buletin Kampung Baru Oktober 2004 (Source: News Bulletin New Village October 2004)