Tuesday, 27 December 2011


May God’s promises strike the chord of joy in our hearts....

It is a matter of few days more before the final chapter of the Year 2011 come to a close. Below are some words of encouragement as we are ushering the New Year 2012.

In Jeremiah 33:3 God says: “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things which you do not know....” The verse among many in the Bible speaks of God’s readiness to hear us anytime when we call on Him in spite of our shortcomings.

God’s assurance of protection and long life for believers is also found in Psalm 91, and His promise to be with believers in time of troubles (Hebrews 13:5-6). He will never leave us nor forsake us. Therefore, with the promises of God’s presence and help in mind, we as believers can move forward into the coming New Year 2012 with utmost confidence because God will manage our journey in His wise and loving ways!
May God’s promises strike the chord of joy in our hearts by the measure of our faith in Him. We will see and experience how God assists, directs and manages the outcomes of our circumstances when we declare faithfully that the Lord is our helper; we will not fear!

Friday, 23 December 2011


Wishing Christmas-celebrants blessed Christmas and Eternal Hope.
Ngagai bala ke ngintu Hari Kristmas
Arapka pengarami Kristmas  tau mai berekat enggau pengadang di serega.

May the New Year 2012 brings you all Good Health, godly Success, and Prosperity        
Awak-ka Tahub Baru 2012 mai pengerai, pemujur pengawa enggau penguntung idup

Tuesday, 6 December 2011


The Nativity by Charles-François Poerson, 1667

  CHRISTMAS literally means the Mass (celebration) of Christ (or Christ’s Mass).  ‘Christ’ is a Greek word and title meaning anointedor one set apart by God for a special purpose. ‘Christis equivalent to the Hebrew wordMessiah’” which means God-sent deliverer of the people (= glad tidings). Christmas is: “.... cosmic symbolism...which inspired the Church leadership in Rome to elect the winter solstice, December 25, as the birthday of Christ”. The biblical-historical narratives on the birth of Jesus Christ are found in Matthew 1:18-25 and Luke 2:1-20.
    Visit by the Three Wisemen from the East
The Bible also mentions the angelic guidance (Matthew 2:10) and warning given to: (a) the three wise men or magi (Matthew 2:12) to keep Jesus away from Herod’s wrath; and the instruction given to (b) Joseph to take Mary and baby Jesus out from Bethlehem and fled to Egypt (Matthew 2:13). From my lay-man understanding, this could have been one reason why Jesus’ actual date of birth was kept unknown by God’s grace then from public knowledge.

The New Testament gives no date or year for Jesus’ birth.  The earliest gospel – that of St. Mark, written about 65 CE begins with the baptism of an adult Jesus.  This suggests two things: (a) That the birth of Christ was of no public interest, and (b) That the earliest Christians lacked interest in or knowledge of Jesus’ date of birth.

Christians believe prophecies in the Old Testament (OT) about the coming of Al-Messiah (Messianic prophecies) were fulfilled through the birth of Jesus Christ. The birth of Jesus Christ is theophany or “theophaneia in Greek. Notably theo means god whilephaneia means appearing or showing  oneself. In that sense, Christmas is a joyous celebration to mark the visible appearance of God in the form of human being. The Gospel of John 1:1-3, 14 announce the pre-existence and origin of Jesus (as God through the Word of God or Kalimatullah born in human form), and the purpose of Jesus’ coming (salvation or al-najat of mankind from sins).

Between the Date and Message of Christmas – Personal Views
1.   The selection of the winter solstice, December 25, as the birthday of Christ or Christmas Day is non-issue since. It has been defined, refined and accepted as sound Christians’ tradition for  two thousand years. The selected date neither negates Jesus’ birth nor changes the theological purpose of Jesus’ birth. 
2. Remembering and clebrating the birth of Christ are biblical therefore because His birth marks the coming of Good News (Gospels, or ‘Injeel’, or Glad Tidings) into the world at large.
3. Suffice to say while the birth of Jesus Christ brings forth the Glad Tidings, His redemptive death on the Cross and Resurrection are The Grand Finale of the Good News of God’s Salvation Plan for all believers and assurance in the world hereafter.