Tuesday, 27 December 2011


May God’s promises strike the chord of joy in our hearts....

It is a matter of few days more before the final chapter of the Year 2011 come to a close. Below are some words of encouragement as we are ushering the New Year 2012.

In Jeremiah 33:3 God says: “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things which you do not know....” The verse among many in the Bible speaks of God’s readiness to hear us anytime when we call on Him in spite of our shortcomings.

God’s assurance of protection and long life for believers is also found in Psalm 91, and His promise to be with believers in time of troubles (Hebrews 13:5-6). He will never leave us nor forsake us. Therefore, with the promises of God’s presence and help in mind, we as believers can move forward into the coming New Year 2012 with utmost confidence because God will manage our journey in His wise and loving ways!
May God’s promises strike the chord of joy in our hearts by the measure of our faith in Him. We will see and experience how God assists, directs and manages the outcomes of our circumstances when we declare faithfully that the Lord is our helper; we will not fear!

Friday, 23 December 2011


Wishing Christmas-celebrants blessed Christmas and Eternal Hope.
Ngagai bala ke ngintu Hari Kristmas
Arapka pengarami Kristmas  tau mai berekat enggau pengadang di serega.

May the New Year 2012 brings you all Good Health, godly Success, and Prosperity        
Awak-ka Tahub Baru 2012 mai pengerai, pemujur pengawa enggau penguntung idup

Tuesday, 6 December 2011


The Nativity by Charles-François Poerson, 1667

  CHRISTMAS literally means the Mass (celebration) of Christ (or Christ’s Mass).  ‘Christ’ is a Greek word and title meaning anointedor one set apart by God for a special purpose. ‘Christis equivalent to the Hebrew wordMessiah’” which means God-sent deliverer of the people (= glad tidings). Christmas is: “.... cosmic symbolism...which inspired the Church leadership in Rome to elect the winter solstice, December 25, as the birthday of Christ”. The biblical-historical narratives on the birth of Jesus Christ are found in Matthew 1:18-25 and Luke 2:1-20.
    Visit by the Three Wisemen from the East
The Bible also mentions the angelic guidance (Matthew 2:10) and warning given to: (a) the three wise men or magi (Matthew 2:12) to keep Jesus away from Herod’s wrath; and the instruction given to (b) Joseph to take Mary and baby Jesus out from Bethlehem and fled to Egypt (Matthew 2:13). From my lay-man understanding, this could have been one reason why Jesus’ actual date of birth was kept unknown by God’s grace then from public knowledge.

The New Testament gives no date or year for Jesus’ birth.  The earliest gospel – that of St. Mark, written about 65 CE begins with the baptism of an adult Jesus.  This suggests two things: (a) That the birth of Christ was of no public interest, and (b) That the earliest Christians lacked interest in or knowledge of Jesus’ date of birth.

Christians believe prophecies in the Old Testament (OT) about the coming of Al-Messiah (Messianic prophecies) were fulfilled through the birth of Jesus Christ. The birth of Jesus Christ is theophany or “theophaneia in Greek. Notably theo means god whilephaneia means appearing or showing  oneself. In that sense, Christmas is a joyous celebration to mark the visible appearance of God in the form of human being. The Gospel of John 1:1-3, 14 announce the pre-existence and origin of Jesus (as God through the Word of God or Kalimatullah born in human form), and the purpose of Jesus’ coming (salvation or al-najat of mankind from sins).

Between the Date and Message of Christmas – Personal Views
1.   The selection of the winter solstice, December 25, as the birthday of Christ or Christmas Day is non-issue since. It has been defined, refined and accepted as sound Christians’ tradition for  two thousand years. The selected date neither negates Jesus’ birth nor changes the theological purpose of Jesus’ birth. 
2. Remembering and clebrating the birth of Christ are biblical therefore because His birth marks the coming of Good News (Gospels, or ‘Injeel’, or Glad Tidings) into the world at large.
3. Suffice to say while the birth of Jesus Christ brings forth the Glad Tidings, His redemptive death on the Cross and Resurrection are The Grand Finale of the Good News of God’s Salvation Plan for all believers and assurance in the world hereafter.

Sunday, 27 November 2011


What is the bigest number ...?
During an inter-faith discourse, a time was set in between for any member of the audience to ask question or express an opinion on the subject matter under discussion.

Serudyn summoned up his courage stood up and pointedly said to one of the key speakers during the discourse. The speaker was a notable religious scholar-cum-professor in comparative religions.
Serudyn asked: “Professor! What is the biggest number?
Caught by surprised  the professor said: “There is none.... Why do you ask? What relevance has the biggest number in relation to God? ...... ”
Serudyn: Why there is none? ... Can you explain ....”
Feeling a bit agitated the professor said: “Well ......  Let's say we have a very big number, and it is called gazillion.
Serudyn: “All right ...... Is gazillion big?”
Professor replied:  “Let's say it is - very big, but I don't really know how big.”
Serudyn nodded in agreement: “OK!.....”
Professor asked:  “What do you get when you add "1" to the number "2"?
Serudyn answered: “Mathematically  ...that’s ... "3": "2" plus "1".
Professor asked further: “What do you get when you add "1" to that gazillion number?”
Serudyn replied:   “I don't know.  Is it gazillion plus "1"?”
Professor said:  “Yes, it is.  Let's add "1" to the new number.”
Serudyn:  “I think I understand.  We can get many gazillion, and still add "1" more.
Professor:  “Right, that's what I mean by "there is no biggest number".
Serudyn said:   “Yeah, Prof. the biggest number is like God.”
Professor asked:   “Really?  How so?”     
Serudyn replied: You know professor, we learn about God little by little. We can't learn all not even through the Scriptures, traditions including His many names and attributes.  GOD IS too big and BIGGER THAN THE LARGEST NUMBER.”
 Professor admittedly said: “Today I’m humbled .... My knowledge about All-Knowing is indeed limited”

Wednesday, 16 November 2011


During breakfast after Sunday morning service, Paulus was upset by sarcasms and insulting remarks made  by Yudas.
Yudas  said to Paulus: “You’ve no right teaching others .....I know you are a redeemed soul ..”
Paulus replied calmly: "Tell me Yudas, if you buy a gift for someone, and that someone does not take it to whom does the gift belongs?"
Yudas had a shock treatment being answered through such a strange question.  He replied: "It belong to me ... because I bought the gift ...."
Paulus said, "Congratulation pangan (friend). Your answer is absolutely correct. And it is the same with your sarcasms and insulting remarks thrown at me freely. I do not get insulted a bit. Your sarcasms and insulting remarks belong to you and fall back on you because I don't take them .... You are the one who becomes insulted and unhappy now, not me. What you’ve done is reaping your insults and hurt yourself.”
Moral of the story
If we want to stop hurting ourselves, we must get rid of our angers and become loving instead.  When we hate others, we ourselves become insulted and unhappy. But when we are forgiving and love others, everyone is happy... It is building “His kingdom come on earth”. AMEN
Quotable quote:
“If we are right then there is no need to get angry. If we are wrong then ywe don't have any right to get angry!”

Sunday, 6 November 2011


 Quoted from Ex-Tanjong Group Forum (Fri, Nov 4, 2011 )
(1)   “In chemistry, we learn that extreme cold burns just as badly as does extreme heat.  I believe extremism (in any religion) can easily blur that thin line separating love and hate.  It can also cause one to mistake illusion for reality.  I learn to appreciate how Richard the Lion Heart could be motivated and influenced - from last few days' exchanges of religious views.  Frankly, it scares the living daylight out of me. I sincerely hope that nobody else (besides Rev. Camping) in the human race believes he/she is capable of knowing that date...

A person who believes, without reservation, in God sees God in everything ...A person who does not believe in God sees no God in anything ...A (Steve) Job-like person may see God in something ... Fortunately, or unfortunately, Rev. Camping "miscalculated", or we could have found out, first hand, on 21-OCT-2011...”

(2)  A religious zealot and a false prophet of dooms’ is a fitting description of Rev. Harold Camping...

   Rev. Harold Camping typified a living example of people in position of influence in our modern time making use of religions, politics, economic.... to practice cultures of fear and deceptions for the purpose of soliciting supports, recognitions.....by exchanging truths for lies.”

One day the bubbles of religious, political, economic ... lies will explode.... intolerance, suppressions and legalism are signs.  

Wednesday, 26 October 2011


 A Story Worth Sharing

Ribai was a student of theology.  The professor who taught the subject of FAITH noted and assumed Ribai’s shabby appearance and hair-style were nothing more than just common fashions of the time. The professor reminded himself within of the proverbial phrases:  “DON’T   JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER” and “it is not what is ON his head BUT what is IN it that counts”.

Soon the professor found out “who” Ribai was (an atheist) as he persistently laughed and mocked about the spiritual truth of Father-God’s unconditional love and Trinitarian.

"Prof. Do you think I'll ever find God?" Ribai cynically said to the professor on the last day during the class on Theology of Faith.

With a little shock therapy Professor replied. "NO!" 

Ribai replied empathically: "Why not?"  

Professor said: “Ribai, I don't think you'll ever find Him. But I’m absolutely certain GOD SHALL FIND YOU!”

Some years after the graduation, Ribai called to drop by to see the professor. When Ribai entered his office, the professor noticed Ribai’s body was very badly wasted. He was ‘bald-head’. His long hair had all fallen out due to chemotherapy treatment, but his eyes were bright and his voice was firm.

Ribai said: “I’ve been very sick ...with lung cancer ... it is now a matter of time ....”

The professor asked: “Tell me what it is like throughout your illness... especially so when you know that you‘re going to leave this world very soon.....”

With deep sigh of regret Ribai said tearfully: “Well.... being just over fifty  (years) I’ve no values or ideals than thinking that booze, seducing women, and making money are the real biggies in life... In fact my coming to drop by to see you to tell you the GOSPEL TRUTH ...You answered me ‘NO’ when I asked you ‘IF I WOULD EVER FIND GOD’.... and to which you also added: ‘GOD WOULD FIND ME’ ... I thought intensely about that ...and the purpose of life in this world........"

The professor asked: “Ribai ! Have you found the purpose(s) in your life?”.

Ribai replied: “With my sufferings and pains from the illusions and frustrations generated by worldly pleasures ...and with malignant cancer, I grew serious about locating God’s presence.... I banged my fists against the ‘bronze doors of heaven’ .......God did not come out. I just quit... I didn't care to find God and what would be life after death. I  DECIDED to spend my remaining time doing something more profitable on remembering what you said in one of the classes: The essential sadness is to go through life without loving’. I also found out that ‘it would be equally sad to go through life and leave this world without ever telling those you loved that you had loved them’.....”

In his keenness to know more, the professor asked: “What did you do then...?”

Ribai continued: “I began with the hardest task by asking my father if he could sacrifice his newspaper-reading time to talk with me ... I said him that I wanted him to know that I love him...nad I asked him to forgive me for all the hurts and shames I cause him....The newspaper he held fluttered to the floor...
He cried and hugged me.. forgiving..reconciling... saying real nice things to each other....We talked all night in spite of his early tiredness to take rest and refresh for work early in the morning.... It was easier with my mother and even much easier with my little brother and sister....I shared the things I’d been keeping secret for so many years...I was only sorry about one thing that I had waited so long..... It was the beginning of my turnaround day. Though I couldn’t see Him the most important thing for me was that in time of need God was near me. I could experience His engulfing and consoling presence of love...forgiveness, and reconciliation...
GOD FOUND ME WHEN I STOPPED LOOKING FOR HIM... Some of the verses from the Bible came to me lively in meanings for example the Apostle John said that...He said: "God is love, and anyone who lives in love is   living with God and God is living in him.''

The professor was deeply touched and requested Ribai to testify to new students in his theological class of faith to which Ribai gladly agreed. Just one day before the scheduled testimony, the professor was asked to visit Ribai in the hospital.

Surrounded by his parents and siblings, Ribai said faintly: “Prof ... I’m very sorry ... I may not make it to testify in your class as scheduled tomorrow... ... I know for sure now that Jesus is the Way, Truth and Life... I’m leaving to be with Him....Will you tell your students and the church how my FAITH guided me to God’s loving and forgiving presence and how I found life far more beautiful than the eye of man has ever seen or the ear of man has ever heard or the mind of man has ever imagined.”
Ribai made the great step forward from FAITH into VISION.


Friday, 7 October 2011


 “...Why do you call God ‘Father’.......?”

Last Saturday Muskogee (not his real name) went and met with Jordge (not his real name) at Yeo Kee Kpoitiam in keeping-up with their occasional mid-morning fellowshipping over “kopi-o-kaw” with toasted ‘butter-kaya’ bread. He (Muskogee) was accompanied by his colleague known as Benyamin (not his real name - who was a foreign student studying in a local institution of higher learning downtown). It was the first time Jordge and Benyamin met one another. When the conversation touched the recent televised religious situations in Egypt and Europe, Benyamin politely posed one question: “Why do you call God Father.......?” The question was most unexpected. It was theologically jolting.
Both Muskogee and Jordge were aware there was no mention in the Bible to say that God married and biologically fathered a child. Both gentlemen understood Benyamin’s misunderstanding about Christians’ concept of “God as Father”. By Benyamin, it was incomprehensible (or “memeng tidak masuk akal”) according to his religious beliefs. In their attempts to explain the matter, both Muskogee and Jordge saw it was deemed necessary to make few theological cross-references of comparative values.
Muskogee: In Christianity God was not known and called  as “Father” until Jesus came to earth and revealed Him as such. In Matthew 6:9 Jesus taught His disciples and believers how to pray by calling God as Our Father who art in heaven...” “Our Father” is one topic or subject by itself about the fatherly nature or characters of God toward mankind. Jesus introduced God as “Our Father” to us. In His prayer to His Father, Jesus also said, “And I have declared to them Your Name (Father God in heaven), and will declare it, that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them.” (John 17:26).

Jordge: "Father" is a metaphor used to describe the divine nature or character of God as ‘Spiritual Father’ (the “First God-head”) in Christians’ Trinitarian Concept of God.  WHY called ‘God Father’? Because God is the Creator, Life-giver, Authority, Law-giver, and powerful Protector.  In Torah (Law of Moses or Taurat Musa) in the book of Deuteronomy 32:6, it is written: Is this the way you repay the LORD, O foolish and unwise people? Is he not your Father, your Creator, who made you and formed you?" 
In the New Testament, God is being called Father 245 times because of the Father-Son relationship revealed through Jesus Christ for the same reasons already mentioned above. There is no other designation would do what this metaphor does to reveal God as the Sovereign Creator.   To call God "Father" is to use the Abrahamic covenant language when Moses spoke to Pharoah to let God’s sons (Israelites) go out of Egypt (Exodus 4.22-23)
Muskogee: “God is being addressed as Father by Christians because of God’s active interests in human affairs and welfare, in the same manner as a human father takes keen interests in the affairs and welfare of in his children - who depend on him as their father and who acts in the best interests of the children.... To call God Father is to speak of Him as the absolutely sovereign God of creation.
At times, God also punishes or disciplines wrongdoers (sinners) like earthly father punishes his children for wrongdoings for good purposes as explained in the New Testament (Hebrew 12:8)..... In the Hebrew Scriptures (or Old Testament) Isaiah 63:16 says: "Thou, O Jehovah, art our Father; our Redeemer from everlasting is thy name." This verse speaks of God’s fatherly roles and His attribute as protector. God is called the Father of the poor, of the orphan and the widow, their guarantor of justice.
Jordge: “In al-Kitab, Abraham was called or was given the title of ‘Father of all nations” although he fathered only his own children biologically..... The New Testament also teaches believers about the very concept or idea of family of believers or spiritual  ‘Family of God” with God as Father. (Eph 3:15). Within the concept, there is a deeper meaning of ‘God as Father’ by which Christians believe they are made co-participants in the “Family of God” as adopted children of God through the eternal Father-and-Son Relationship, through Jesus Christ. Galatians 4:4-7 says:  But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts crying out, "Abba, Father!" Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ”.
Muskogee:Intimacy is one of the hallmarks of using the title “Father” for God by Jesus and by the early and modern day church.  For us (Christians) to call God “our heavenly Father”, it is an expression of our deepest and highest individual and inner-most “spiritual reverence” for God as sovereign and holy Elohim other than revering Him  as God of love...; most merciful; most forgiving (Father of Compassion - 2 Corinthians 1:3); "Father of glory" (Eph. 1:17); and “Holy Father” (John 17:11).
If I may for example refer to your (Benyamin’s) belief whereby God is known by 99 names in Arabic starting with: (1) Ar-Rahmaan which means ‘The Exceedingly Compassionate, The Exceedingly Beneficent, The Exceedingly Gracious’; (2) Ar-Rahim or ‘The Exceedingly Merciful’;..................(11)Al-Khaliq which means  ‘The creator’.....lastly (99) As-Sabur or "The Timeless, The Patient'.....”.

As and when we pray and truly believe that God is Our Father in heaven..,” the metaphoric-key-word automatically opens the door for us to enter God’s spiritual family and kingdom. We know good deeds or works by our own alone without Christ including reliance on religious traditions and legalisms do not and cannot “save” us. We are saved by our faith (Christ in us) and by the grace of God (Eph. 2:8). For us (Christians) to call God ‘Our Father’ is to fully affirm our close personal and direct relationship with God in His love. It is also an affirmation that we have been born and adopted into the ‘Family of God’. We are joint heirs with Christ in the Family and Kingdom of God (Galatians 4:4-7). By this, we belong to God as sons  and daughters being loved by Father God with assurance that we will have our dwelling places with "Our Father in heaven". AMEN !

Thursday, 29 September 2011



(13th GBKJIM -2011 -  Zone Sarikei on 16-18 Sep. 2011)
But those who wait for (hope on) the Lord shall renew their strength;  they shall mount up with wings like eaglesthey shall run and not become weary,  they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:3

2.1 To understand the theme (meanings) of Isaiah 40:31
2.2 To internalize the theme by making it as a part of Christians’      walk or discipline.

3.1 To explain and illustrate the meanings of “waiting” and “hoping” as key in the process (or “how-to”) in re-gaining spiritual strength (spiritual renewal), hence for the ability to “mount on wings like eagles ....”
3.2 To emphasize the importance of spiritual renewal in order to be  effective as salt and light of the world (Matt. 5. 13-16) in the businesses of the kingdom building. (Matt. 28:19-20)
3.3 To examine or study the life-styles and characteristics of an  “Eagle” representative of the desired Characteristics, hence the necessary Qualities of Christians’ Leadership (as individuals and/or groups) in creating an impactful church.

4.1 Eagles mentioned 34 times throughout the Bible to explain God’s   power of deliverance and His caring nature for believers.
4.2  In Isaiah 40:32, the strengths of eagles are being used figuratively to describe and explain the state of believers’ spiritual strength (also physical conditions) after “waiting” (or “hoping”) in the Lord”.
Results: (i) “...shall gain new strength...”; (ii) “....shall mount on wings like eagles...”and (iii) “...shall run and not be weary”; and (iv) shall walk and not faint.”

Isaiah 40:31 mentions two things - STRENGTH its ATTRIBUTES 
(i)       Strength (we need) is renewable by “waiting” and “hoping” in the eternal source who is God.
(ii)     Attributes of strength: (a) Strength of the wings of eagles that lift high above the earth; (b) Strength necessary for running without becoming weary; and (c) Strength is necessary to walk without becoming faint.

5.1 FIVE  Characteristics of eagles
(1) VISIONARY - Eagle's eyes can see great distances (>5km).   Stay focus on preys. Swooping with speed and precision on targets. Not blinded by direct sun rays. Like the eagle, Christian leaders must be visionary – ability to see great distances to stay focused on goals to achieve the desired results in leading and guiding church and team members. 
(2) FEED ON FRESH MEAT - Eagles hunt their
      preys and do not eat meat that they did not kill – (not scavenger -strict with their diets). Likewise, Christian leaders must go (hunt) where the actions are in the marketplaces to find people to plant and nurture the seeds in the kingdom-building. They also must “hunt” for fresh and authentic spiritual food from the Bible.
(3) AIRBORNE AGILITY- Eagles love and look forward to fly in storms – mounting on their wings and with a great cry against the powerful up-drifts of the storm wind to   fly to greater height above the clouds. Christian leaders must be over-comers by learning and  taking the opportunity (from experiences) and use the “storms” (problems or challenges) in life to raise high abov the “storms”.
(4) GENTLE & ATTENTATIVE – Though known for their ferocity, yet eagles are gently and attentive to their eaglets. At the right time, mother-eagles start to teach their eaglets how to fly.                    (Explanation)
(5) MOLTING – Biological process- Yearly some feathers of an eagle come-off and new feathers grow in place. Process and waiting period are painful. This is חרת charath” and “kalak” in Hebrew. Eagle-Christians also go through similar process of WAITING (קוה qâvâh).
5.2  Examine or study the life-styles and characteristics of an “Eagle” representative of the desired Characteristics, hence for the Qualities of Christians’ Leadership (as individuals and/or groups) in creating an impactful (or effective) church.

ELABORATE - INTERNALIZE - Make the verse to become motivational pattern or discipline in our Christian-walks so that we become “Eagle-Christians”

6.1 To wait (or waiting) implies two things:
(i) Subject of waiting relates to places and time during the waiting
 (ii) Object of waiting relates to the expectations   (or hope) from waiting 
(iii)Understand the meanings of Hebrew word:  קוה qâvâh translated into English word “wait” in Isaiah 40:31. It means more than just hanging   around and passing time while doing nothing.                                
 (a)The FIRST interpretative definition actually conveys the idea of “to twist or intertwined like a rope”- Gathered or brought together into oneness.  Literal translation of קוה qâvâh implies the strength through numbers.

Illustrations: Rope-making & Brick-gathering
(b) The SECOND interpretative definition for the Hebrew word qavah implies “to be strong, robust” as in the notion of tying fast with a rope.
(c)   The THIRD interpretive definition imparts the idea of “enduring, waiting for or expecting with strength.” (i) Psalm 25:21-“Let integrity and uprightness preserve me: for I wait for You.”and (ii) Psalm 37:34 -“Wait for the Lord and keep His way, and he will exalt you to inherit
       the land ....”
(d)  Waiting on the Lord” does not imply passivity that believer sits around, doing nothing, and still hopes that his personal prophetic words will come to pass in his life.
(e)   Waiting on the Lord” (as in Isaiah 40:31) means winding and weaving ourselves around the true vine (Jesus) so that like a rope, we will be strengthened and renewed to receive the promises offered by the prophetic words which say:  “If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and It will be done for you.” (John 15:7)

Figurative meaning of קוה qâvâh is: “to wait”; “to hope”; and to expect”. The word (qâvâh) conveys the idea of anticipation. Thus, it is the figurative meanings of qâvâh as explained in sub-paras: (i); (ii); and (iii) above are more applicable rather than the literal definition.
Further explanations
(1) It is noted that strength of a rope comes from strands or fibres twisted together. While the rope is not in used, the rope is said to be:  “in waiting” and its strength remains constant - waiting for the owner (user) to put to use.
(2) The up-lifting strength or power of the rope is tested when the rope is attached or tightened to a load. The strength of the rope comes from the intertwining fibres and strands to  uplift the load.
(3) The Hebrew word (קוה qâvâh) describes a vine or a plant that is twined together in the Lord, like the ropes that are twined together until it becomes one solid rope. That is the fullness of the word waiting and not just coming to together serve Him.
(4) To “wait” or “hope” or קוה qâvâh also means accepting God’s methods to transform, abolish, change and free us from our bad and idolatry habits (Isa. 2:18 ). God removes; breaks; and cleanses us from all those unclean things in our lives. Some need to be up-rotted and hammered (crushed) as we qâvâh upon Him. This waiting-process of spiritual renewal (removing;breaking;cleansesing; up-rotting; hammering; and crushing) are “charath” in spiritual reinforcement.
(5) To “wait” or “hope” or קוה qâvâh also includes renewal process called   “kalak” or change which involves exchanging of our human strength for God’s strength. When we do so - we shall run and never be weary because we קוה qâvâh with God and His strength never runs out.

6.1 Application - Like the strength of a rope comes from multiple of strands being intertwined or twisted together, so also our strength קוה qâvâh - being “bound together’ and “abide in Jesus”  (Matt. Chapter15). To abide in Jesus means connected with God – who renews and empowers us with His strength like eagles....

6.2  Impartation - A Technical Illustration - A motor vehicle must be driven to a petrol station and/or a car service station. The engine has to be switched off during refuelling or servicing and/or changing of parts after running and reaching certain thousand kilometres in distance. One point need to be distinguished is that  Spiritual Renewal is more than car-servicing.  Like  a "car", we also need to "be still"  and listen to God (stay connected with God) while “waitng” and “hoping” for the in-filling of God's power to re-new our spiritual strength

6.3 Internalization of Isaiah 40:31 includes the following activities.
(i) Keep focus on God (Heb.12:3)
(ii) Study the Bible (Psalm 119:11 / 2 Tim. 2:15)
(iii) Pray daily (1 Thes. 5:17)
(iv) Attend church regularly (Heb.10:25)
(v) Learn from Christians friends (Prov. 13:20)
(vi)Tell others about your faith in Jesus Christ(Mark 16:15)
(vii) Renewal of the mind (Rom. 12:2)

Paraphrasing of Isaiah 40:31 
(1) Those who have their lives intertwined with the Lord, like strands of fibres twisted together into rope, shall renew their spiritual strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not become weary they shall walk and not become faint.
(2) God is talking about His divine strength. Literally Isaiah 40:31 means: “They who keep on trusting the Lord shall “kalak” (or exchange) their human strength for God’s divine strength.”(3) When we say, “Lord, I can’t do it,” the Lord answers: “I will solve the problem, I will give you the strength, I will provide everything necessary for you to meet this difficult problem in your life.” 
    This exchange of human strength for divine strength can only happen when we stop trusting our own human strength.  
(4) This verse says, “The power of God does not come in fits  and starts, it does not come in spurts and stops; The Power  of God is a steady, continuous energy  which is not dependent upon emotion, rationalism or anything else. It  depends upon believing the Word of God! Waiting on the  Lord, habitual waiting on the Lord.”