(13th GBKJIM -2011 - Zone Sarikei on 16-18 Sep. 2011)
“But those who wait for (hope on) the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not become weary, they shall walk and not faint”. Isaiah 40:3
2.1 To understand the theme (meanings) of Isaiah 40:31
2.2 To internalize the theme by making it as a part of Christians’ walk or discipline.
3.1 To explain and illustrate the meanings of “waiting” and “hoping” as key in the process (or “how-to”) in re-gaining spiritual strength (spiritual renewal), hence for the ability to “mount on wings like eagles ....”
3.2 To emphasize the importance of spiritual renewal in order to be effective as salt and light of the world (Matt. 5. 13-16) in the businesses of the kingdom building. (Matt. 28:19-20)
3.3 To examine or study the life-styles and characteristics of an “Eagle” representative of the desired Characteristics, hence the necessary Qualities of Christians’ Leadership (as individuals and/or groups) in creating an impactful church.
4.1 Eagles mentioned 34 times throughout the Bible to explain God’s power of deliverance and His caring nature for believers.
4.2 In Isaiah 40:32, the strengths of eagles are being used figuratively to describe and explain the state of believers’ spiritual strength (also physical conditions) after “waiting” (or “hoping”) in the Lord”.
Results: (i) “...shall gain new strength...”; (ii) “....shall mount on wings like eagles...”; and (iii) “...shall run and not be weary”; and (iv) shall walk and not faint.”
Isaiah 40:31 mentions two things - STRENGTH & its ATTRIBUTES
(i) Strength (we need) is renewable by “waiting” and “hoping” in the eternal source who is God.
(ii) Attributes of strength: (a) Strength of the wings of eagles that lift high above the earth; (b) Strength necessary for running without becoming weary; and (c) Strength is necessary to walk without becoming faint.
5.1 FIVE Characteristics of eagles
(1) VISIONARY - Eagle's eyes can see great distances (>5km). Stay focus on preys. Swooping with speed and precision on targets. Not blinded by direct sun rays. Like the eagle, Christian leaders must be visionary – ability to see great distances to stay focused on goals to achieve the desired results in leading and guiding church and team members.
(2) FEED ON FRESH MEAT - Eagles hunt their
preys and do not eat meat that they did not kill – (not scavenger -strict with their diets). Likewise, Christian leaders must go (hunt) where the actions are in the marketplaces to find people to plant and nurture the seeds in the kingdom-building. They also must “hunt” for fresh and authentic spiritual food from the Bible.
(3) AIRBORNE AGILITY- Eagles love and look forward to fly in storms – mounting on their wings and with a great cry against the powerful up-drifts of the storm wind to fly to greater height above the clouds. Christian leaders must be over-comers by learning and taking the opportunity (from experiences) and use the “storms” (problems or challenges) in life to raise high abov the “storms”.
(4) GENTLE & ATTENTATIVE – Though known for their ferocity, yet eagles are gently and attentive to their eaglets. At the right time, mother-eagles start to teach their eaglets how to fly. (Explanation)
(5) MOLTING – Biological process- Yearly some feathers of an eagle come-off and new feathers grow in place. Process and waiting period are painful. This is “חרת charath” and “kalak” in Hebrew. Eagle-Christians also go through similar process of WAITING (קוה qâvâh).
5.2 Examine or study the life-styles and characteristics of an “Eagle” representative of the desired Characteristics, hence for the Qualities of Christians’ Leadership (as individuals and/or groups) in creating an impactful (or effective) church.
ELABORATE - INTERNALIZE - Make the verse to become motivational pattern or discipline in our Christian-walks so that we become “Eagle-Christians”
6.1 To wait (or waiting) implies two things:
(i) Subject of waiting relates to places and time during the waiting
(ii) Object of waiting relates to the expectations (or hope) from waiting
(iii)Understand the meanings of Hebrew word: קוה qâvâh translated into English word “wait” in Isaiah 40:31. It means more than just hanging around and passing time while doing nothing.
(a)The FIRST interpretative definition actually conveys the idea of “to twist or intertwined like a rope”- Gathered or brought together into oneness. Literal translation of קוה qâvâh implies the strength through numbers.
Illustrations: Rope-making & Brick-gathering
(b) The SECOND interpretative definition for the Hebrew word qavah implies “to be strong, robust” as in the notion of tying fast with a rope.
(c) The THIRD interpretive definition imparts the idea of “enduring, waiting for or expecting with strength.” (i) Psalm 25:21-“Let integrity and uprightness preserve me: for I wait for You.”and (ii) Psalm 37:34 -“Wait for the Lord and keep His way, and he will exalt you to inherit
the land ....”
(d) “Waiting on the Lord” does not imply passivity that believer sits around, doing nothing, and still hopes that his personal prophetic words will come to pass in his life.
(e) “Waiting on the Lord” (as in Isaiah 40:31) means winding and weaving ourselves around the true vine (Jesus) so that like a rope, we will be strengthened and renewed to receive the promises offered by the prophetic words which say: “If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and It will be done for you.” (John 15:7)
Figurative meaning of קוה qâvâh is: “to wait”; “to hope”; and “to expect”. The word (qâvâh) conveys the idea of anticipation. Thus, it is the figurative meanings of qâvâh as explained in sub-paras: (i); (ii); and (iii) above are more applicable rather than the literal definition.
Further explanations
(1) It is noted that strength of a rope comes from strands or fibres twisted together. While the rope is not in used, the rope is said to be: “in waiting” and its strength remains constant - waiting for the owner (user) to put to use.
(2) The up-lifting strength or power of the rope is tested when the rope is attached or tightened to a load. The strength of the rope comes from the intertwining fibres and strands to uplift the load.
(3) The Hebrew word (קוה qâvâh) describes a vine or a plant that is twined together in the Lord, like the ropes that are twined together until it becomes one solid rope. That is the fullness of the word waiting and not just coming to together serve Him.
(4) To “wait” or “hope” or קוה qâvâh also means accepting God’s methods to transform, abolish, change and free us from our bad and idolatry habits (Isa. 2:18 ). God removes; breaks; and cleanses us from all those unclean things in our lives. Some need to be up-rotted and hammered (crushed) as we qâvâh upon Him. This waiting-process of spiritual renewal (removing;breaking;cleansesing; up-rotting; hammering; and crushing) are “charath” in spiritual reinforcement.
(5) To “wait” or “hope” or קוה qâvâh also includes renewal process called “kalak” or change which involves exchanging of our human strength for God’s strength. When we do so - we shall run and never be weary because we קוה qâvâh with God and His strength never runs out.
6.1 Application - Like the strength of a rope comes from multiple of strands being intertwined or twisted together, so also our strength קוה qâvâh - being “bound together’ and “abide in Jesus” (Matt. Chapter15). To abide in Jesus means connected with God – who renews and empowers us with His strength like eagles....
6.2 Impartation - A Technical Illustration - A motor vehicle must be driven to a petrol station and/or a car service station. The engine has to be switched off during refuelling or servicing and/or changing of parts after running and reaching certain thousand kilometres in distance. One point need to be distinguished is that Spiritual Renewal is more than car-servicing. Like a "car", we also need to "be still" and listen to God (stay connected with God) while “waitng” and “hoping” for the in-filling of God's power to re-new our spiritual strength
6.3 Internalization of Isaiah 40:31 includes the following activities.
(i) Keep focus on God (Heb.12:3)
(ii) Study the Bible (Psalm 119:11 / 2 Tim. 2:15)
(iii) Pray daily (1 Thes. 5:17)
(iv) Attend church regularly (Heb.10:25)
(v) Learn from Christians friends (Prov. 13:20)
(vi)Tell others about your faith in Jesus Christ(Mark 16:15)
(vii) Renewal of the mind (Rom. 12:2)
Paraphrasing of Isaiah 40:31
(1) Those who have their lives intertwined with the Lord, like strands of fibres twisted together into rope, shall renew their spiritual strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not become weary they shall walk and not become faint.
(2) God is talking about His divine strength. Literally Isaiah 40:31 means: “They who keep on trusting the Lord shall “kalak” (or exchange) their human strength for God’s divine strength.”(3) When we say, “Lord, I can’t do it,” the Lord answers: “I will solve the problem, I will give you the strength, I will provide everything necessary for you to meet this difficult problem in your life.”
This exchange of human strength for divine strength can only happen when we stop trusting our own human strength.
(4) This verse says, “The power of God does not come in fits and starts, it does not come in spurts and stops; The Power of God is a steady, continuous energy which is not dependent upon emotion, rationalism or anything else. It depends upon believing the Word of God! Waiting on the Lord, habitual waiting on the Lord.”