Saturday, 30 July 2011

The Converging Point of Forgiveness & Reconciliation

"The Capital of the World," was a book written by Ernest Hemingway. The story was about a caring Spanish father and his rebellious teenage son named Paco (Paco is a common Spanish name). The father-son relation shattered when Paco ran away from home to unknown places.

For the love of his son, Paco’s father started long and arduous search to find him. Finally, as his last resort the exhausted father paid very costly for an advertisement in a Madrid newspaper with the hope that Paco would see and respond to the advertisement.  

The advertisement read:
“Dear Paco,
Please meet me in front of the newspaper office tomorrow afternoon.
Your loving father.

As the story unfolded as told by Hemingway, there were 800 Pacos came and converged in front of the office of the newspaper at noon on the appointed day to meet their fathers SEEKING FORGIVENESS AND RECONCILIATION.

What is the parallelism or the relevant of the story?

Many of us are like those Pacos – carrying around loads of guilt and shame, wanting love and forgiveness but not knowing where to find it. Humanly, we tend to drown our innermost problems with laughter (so goes the saying – Laughter is the best medicine) ... indulge ourselves in worldly pleasures camouflage our problems.

Like the advertisement in the newspaper, the Bible speaks clearly of God’s love, unconditional forgiveness and reconciliation.

To all who are lost ...... and desirous of experiencing God’s forgiveness and reconciliation, Jesus Christ lifted-up-on-the-Cross is the converging point.  "If I am lifted up," Jesus said, talking about the Cross, "I will draw all men to myself" (John 12:32).

Thursday, 21 July 2011

~DEATH~ What's on the other side?

~DEATH~ What's on the other side?

A sick man turned to his doctor, as he was preparing to leave the examination room and said, "Doctor, I am afraid to die.  Tell me what lies on the other side."

Very quietly, the doctor said, "I don't know."

"You don't know? You, a Christian man, do not know what is on the other side?" the man said.

The doctor was holding the handle of the door.  On the other side came a sound of scratching and whining, and as he opened the door, a dog sprang into the room and leaped on him with an eager show of gladness.

Turning to the patient, the doctor said, "Did you notice my dog?  It has never been in this room before. It didn't know what was inside. It knew nothing except that his master was here. When the door opened, he sprang in without fear.....  I know little of what is on the other side of death, but I do know one thing... I know my Master is there and that is enough."


Monday, 11 July 2011



A grandfather was approached by his young grandson who told him proudly, "I know what the Bible means!"

His grandfather smiled and replied, "What do you mean, you 'know' what the Bible means?
The grandson replied, "I do know!"

"Okay," said his grandfather. "What does the Bible mean?"

"That's easy, Grand-daddy..." the young grandson replied excitedly, "It stands for 'Basic Information Before  Leaving Earth.'” (Story: Anon)

Read the BIBLE before leaving the earth !

Friday, 8 July 2011


Couple of years ago (during one casual dinner in Bangsar Kuala Lumpur) my business colleague politely said: “Jesus Christ is regarded by Christians as God in the concept of Trinity. It meant that your God was absent from heaven for thirty-three (33) years....”

I was taken by surprise by such frank and challenging statement connected with Allah’s Omnipotent, Omniscience and Omnipresence in Trinitarian. Apparently from our conversation, my gentleman friend was quite well-versed with the story about the birth of Isa ibnu Maryam as great Prophet.

Speaking within I said (to myself): If I could not explain what I believe, it would tantamount to denying my faith." I was in a kind of an emergency situation.

Just like the Emergency Number 999, Jeremiah 33:3 rang in my mind which spoke silently of God’s invitation and promise to believers. It said: “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things which you do not know.”

At that point of time I scantly recalled the explanation made by an evangelist whom I met many years ago. Below is brief outline on what I remembered and used in explaining the issue. 

(1)   By His Omnipotent, Omniscience, and Omnipresence, the great “I AM” is neither restricted by His Name nor by “What-How-Why-Where-When-He-Want-to-be” through His Holy Spirit (or Power), and through all things He had created universally.

(2)   Albeit similar in terms of languages and cultures, human understandings of God are always personal, individual and limited, and being constrained by time and space. Christianity is not a religion because it is about personal relationship between believers and God (or Allah) through Jesus Christ (or Isa al-Messiah).

(3)   When one believes that Jesus Christ (Isa al-Messiah) is the Word of God (or Kalimatullah) born of Virgin Mary by the Spirit (power) of God, it not illogical for one to acknowledge and accept that God did not leave heaven during the thirty-three years. It was His Word (Kalimatullah) that went forth out of heaven (through angel Gabriel) and born as Jesus Christ.

(4)  The fact God was still in heaven during the thirty-three (33) years can be explained or illustrated technologically in terms of modern telecommunication system. For example, in virtual education system, a professor need not leave the lecture hall.

Through right internet connection the image, voices and movements of the professor could be seen and heard instantaneously by students who were physically thousands of kilometres away at different locations in the world.
In considering Allah’s majestic infinity it is admitted the 
technological illustration above may be considered 
inappropriate and surely insufficient.

Nevertheless, the illustration was sufficiently comprehensive and appreciated by my friend although he was a skeptic about Trinity.

Sunday, 3 July 2011


The Absolute Weight of Beer in the glass Did Not Matter

Yesterday (Sunday) evening I had an informal re-union over few glasses of beer with four old friends at Green Height coffee shop Airport Road Kuching. The atmosphere was one of nostalgic and discursive relaxation – recalling the ‘good-old-days’.

However, Eldad (not his real name) lamented he was getting more stressful although he had already retired from state civil service.  He admitted he was currently on medication for ‘high blood pressure’ and blamed his eldest son for ‘academically wasting his money’.  Further, he added the son was still without ‘proper job’ and income. The young man got married about ten years ago and had one son and daughter who had been under the care of Eldad and his wife since the grandchildren were born. His son ‘transferred’ the fatherly-cum-motherly duties to him and his wife.

On hearing Eldad’s mentioning about stress, Cyrus (not his real name) pointed it was an Iban culture for parents (upon their job retirement) to became “baby-sitters’ for their children’s children.  It is called the culture of buan-uchu” or “beribun-uchu.

Cyrus advised Eldad to cast his stresses and worries prayerfully and trust God faithfully by referring to Mathew 11:28-30 in which Lord Jesus said:

 Come to me all of you who are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learned from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you shall find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and load is light.”

Eldad who was a faithful Sunday-church-Christian’  was spell-bounded for a while. Turning to Cyrus he said: “Jang ! It is easier said than done ......”.

I butted in instantly and said:”Let us ‘cheers’ “half-seng” [drank half-glass – not the traditional Chinese-“yam-seng’] to the stresses and worries that we all do have in one way or another.”  

After putting our respective glasses on the table before re-filling, I said further: “Who can tell the weight of the beer in your own glasses? If anyone can do so accurately I’ll buy him or all of you guys dinner tomorrow at Singapore Chicken Rice.”

“Why do you ask us to do that? Is that a joke?”  quipped Johnny (not his real name) rather curiously.

Holding his glass, Hendrick (not his real name) said: I guess miine is about 10 ounces! But how can we know for sure because we don’t have a weighing scale here?

The other three (Eldad, Cyrus and Johnny) also held their glasses and made their estimation on the weight of the beer respectively which was between 12 and 15 ounces.

“Never mind about the accuracy of the weight”, I replied.  Turning to Eldad, Cyrus, Johnny and Hendrick I said:”Could you please lift up again and hold your glasses. Don’t put it down until I ask you to do so....”

Hendrick held his glass for 10 minutes (for estimating10 ounces in weight for his glass). Similarly Eldad held his for 15 minutes; Cyrus held his for 12 minutes; and Johnny held his for 15 minutes.
They complained of tiredness started from  their arms for holding their respective glasses beyond five minutes

The ABSOLUTE WEIGHT of beer in the glass DID NOT MATTER. 
For one to hold a glass of beer for one or two minutes was not a problem.

The PROBLEM appeared and became increasingly heavier (and would multiply) when one held the glass for half hour, one hour, one day   .......
It is the same with burden of stress or anger we carry.
We need to learn to put the burden down and take good rest prayerfully in the light of the invitation made by our Lord Jesus Christ as quoted above.
The holding of the glass was just a Stress Management Exercise.
For believers, it is about trusting God and His promises.
The BIBLE is believers’ LIFE’s MANUALS.

Friday, 1 July 2011

Ishmael & Isaac - THE DIFFERENCES

[Biblical references: Genesis Chapters:  16- 17]
1.     The Conception and Birth of Ishmael

(a)  The Human Plan – Hagar as Surrogate Mother
In their state of frustration and hopelessness to have a child or son, Sarah (called Sarai before the birth of Isaac) humanly planned (Gen.16:1-3) and agreed by Abraham (or Abram before the birth of Isaac) to marry Hagar (or Hajar) (Gen.16:4). Hagar was Sarah’s favourite Egyptian maid (Gen.16:3).

(b)  The Conception of Ishmael
When Hagar conceived, Sarah felt devastated in her presence, and the blamed Abraham’s sinfulness for their childlessness. (Gen.16:5). Hagar fled because of Sarah’s mistreatment (Gen. 16:6). While on way to the wilderness of Shaur, Hagar stopped by a spring or well [called Beer-lahau-roi located between Kadesh and Bered].

Hagar’s Obedience
An angel of God spoke instructed Hagar thereat to return home to her mistress (Sarah): “Return to your mistress, and submit yourself to her authority.” (Gen.16:9)
The angel also said to Hagar: (Gen.16:11-12)
 Behold, you are with child, And you shall bear a son, And You shall call him Ishmael, Because the Lord has given heed to your affliction.” The angel also gave Hagar descriptions of Ishmael - what would Ishmael [including Ishmael’s descendents] be like.
“And he will be like a wild donkey of a man. His hand will be against everyone, and everyone hand will be against him,  And he will live to the east of his brothers.”

(c)  The Birth of Ishmael  Abraham was 86 years old when Ishmael was born.

2.  God made Covenants (promises) with Abraham

When God spoke to him Abraham was ninety-nine (99) years (Ref: Genesis 17:7-) God said:-
Verses 1-2 :I am God Almighty, Walk before Me and be blameless.
Verse 3: And will multiply you exceedingly....(verse:4) Behold My Covenant is with you(Abraham) And you shall be the father of a multitude of nations ... No longer you name be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham.....

Verse:7:And I will establish My Covenants between you and Me and your descendants after you through their generations for an everlasting Covenant to be their God ....  

Verse: 8: I will give you and to your descendants after you the land of your sojourning, all the land of Canaan for an eve lasting possession, and I will be their God.
3.   The Conception and Birth of Isaac

(a) God’s Plan - The Conception and Birth of Isaac
Verse: 15-16: As for Sarai your wife, she will not call her name Sarai, but Sarah will be her name  I will bless her and I will give you a son by her. I will bless her and she will be a mother to all nations  ....

In his disbelief, Abraham laughed in his heart saying (to himself – stated in Gen 17:18): “Will a child be born to a man one hundred (100) years old?And will Sarai, who is ninety (90) years old , bear a child?”

Abraham was sceptical and doubtful questioned God: “Oh that Ishmael might live before Thee” (Gen.17:18)

But God said [to Abraham] (Verse 19): “No, But Sarah your wife shall bear you a son and his name shall be called Isaac (Ishaq), and I will establish My covenants with him for an everlasting covenant for his descendants after him

God also said- Verse 20: And as for Ishmael, I will bless him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly. He shall become father of the twelve (12) princes, and I will make him great nation.

Verse 21: But My covenant I will establish with Isaac, whom Sarah will bear to you this season of the year.”

Ref: Gen. 18

Verse 12-: [Having heard the conversation from inside the tent] And Sarah laughed to herself, saying “After I have become old, shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?”

Verse 13: “And the Lord said to Abraham: “Why did Sarah laugh saying, “Shall I indeed bear  child, when I am so old?”

Verse 14: (The Lord said) “Is anything too difficult for the Lord? At the appointed time I shall return to you. At this time next year, and Sarah shall have a son.”

(b) The Birth of Isaac – Ref. Gen. 21
Verse 3:  Isaac born at appointed time.
Verse 5:  Abraham was one hundred (100) years old
Verse 9: Ishmael bullied his half- brother Isaac
Verse 10 – 14: Ishmael and Hagar were sent away from the house of Abraham.

(c) The Offering of Isaac – Ref: Gen. 22

Verse 2: ‘And He (God) said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love, Isaac and go to Moriah and offer him there as your burnt offering ....” ’


1. There are spiritual laws to be learned from the above account.
    Few examples:-
   (a) God is faithful and blesses human plans and  endeavours although he/she sidestep
         God and seek not God’s guidance and/or help.
   (b) Through faith and under God’s instruction and guidance, oppression can be blessings
        (Hagar’s case)
   (c) What is impossible by man, by God nothing is impossible
   (d) God’s ever faithfulness in  keeping His promises. God’s delay is not God’s denial.
   (e) “FAITH”, “OBEDIENCE”, and “SUBMISSION” are keys to unlock the door of God’s

2. From the account above, some of the differences between the two brothers of the same
    father are tabulated below.

The  Two brothers
Blessings & Characteristics
Human’s Plan
Hagar – an Egyptian
God’s blessed son – “Wild donkey of a man ...” [Gen. 16:12]
God’s Plan
Sarah - Hebrew
God’s promised son [Gen.17:16] God’s covenanted son [Gen.16:21] God’s chosen sacrifice [Gen..22:2]