"The Capital of the World," was a book written by Ernest Hemingway. The story was about a caring Spanish father and his rebellious teenage son named Paco (Paco is a common Spanish name). The father-son relation shattered when Paco ran away from home to unknown places.
For the love of his son, Paco’s father started long and arduous search to find him. Finally, as his last resort the exhausted father paid very costly for an advertisement in a Madrid newspaper with the hope that Paco would see and respond to the advertisement.
The advertisement read:
“Dear Paco,
Please meet me in front of the newspaper office tomorrow afternoon.
Your loving father.”
As the story unfolded as told by Hemingway, there were 800 Pacos came and converged in front of the office of the newspaper at noon on the appointed day to meet their fathers – SEEKING FORGIVENESS AND RECONCILIATION.
What is the parallelism or the relevant of the story?
Many of us are like those Pacos – carrying around loads of guilt and shame, wanting love and forgiveness but not knowing where to find it. Humanly, we tend to drown our innermost problems with laughter (so goes the saying – Laughter is the best medicine) ... indulge ourselves in worldly pleasures ....to camouflage our problems.
Like the advertisement in the newspaper, the Bible speaks clearly of God’s love, unconditional forgiveness and reconciliation.
To all who are lost ...... and desirous of experiencing God’s forgiveness and reconciliation, Jesus Christ lifted-up-on-the-Cross is the converging point. "If I am lifted up," Jesus said, talking about the Cross, "I will draw all men to myself" (John 12:32).
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