Sunday, 27 November 2011


What is the bigest number ...?
During an inter-faith discourse, a time was set in between for any member of the audience to ask question or express an opinion on the subject matter under discussion.

Serudyn summoned up his courage stood up and pointedly said to one of the key speakers during the discourse. The speaker was a notable religious scholar-cum-professor in comparative religions.
Serudyn asked: “Professor! What is the biggest number?
Caught by surprised  the professor said: “There is none.... Why do you ask? What relevance has the biggest number in relation to God? ...... ”
Serudyn: Why there is none? ... Can you explain ....”
Feeling a bit agitated the professor said: “Well ......  Let's say we have a very big number, and it is called gazillion.
Serudyn: “All right ...... Is gazillion big?”
Professor replied:  “Let's say it is - very big, but I don't really know how big.”
Serudyn nodded in agreement: “OK!.....”
Professor asked:  “What do you get when you add "1" to the number "2"?
Serudyn answered: “Mathematically  ...that’s ... "3": "2" plus "1".
Professor asked further: “What do you get when you add "1" to that gazillion number?”
Serudyn replied:   “I don't know.  Is it gazillion plus "1"?”
Professor said:  “Yes, it is.  Let's add "1" to the new number.”
Serudyn:  “I think I understand.  We can get many gazillion, and still add "1" more.
Professor:  “Right, that's what I mean by "there is no biggest number".
Serudyn said:   “Yeah, Prof. the biggest number is like God.”
Professor asked:   “Really?  How so?”     
Serudyn replied: You know professor, we learn about God little by little. We can't learn all not even through the Scriptures, traditions including His many names and attributes.  GOD IS too big and BIGGER THAN THE LARGEST NUMBER.”
 Professor admittedly said: “Today I’m humbled .... My knowledge about All-Knowing is indeed limited”

Wednesday, 16 November 2011


During breakfast after Sunday morning service, Paulus was upset by sarcasms and insulting remarks made  by Yudas.
Yudas  said to Paulus: “You’ve no right teaching others .....I know you are a redeemed soul ..”
Paulus replied calmly: "Tell me Yudas, if you buy a gift for someone, and that someone does not take it to whom does the gift belongs?"
Yudas had a shock treatment being answered through such a strange question.  He replied: "It belong to me ... because I bought the gift ...."
Paulus said, "Congratulation pangan (friend). Your answer is absolutely correct. And it is the same with your sarcasms and insulting remarks thrown at me freely. I do not get insulted a bit. Your sarcasms and insulting remarks belong to you and fall back on you because I don't take them .... You are the one who becomes insulted and unhappy now, not me. What you’ve done is reaping your insults and hurt yourself.”
Moral of the story
If we want to stop hurting ourselves, we must get rid of our angers and become loving instead.  When we hate others, we ourselves become insulted and unhappy. But when we are forgiving and love others, everyone is happy... It is building “His kingdom come on earth”. AMEN
Quotable quote:
“If we are right then there is no need to get angry. If we are wrong then ywe don't have any right to get angry!”

Sunday, 6 November 2011


 Quoted from Ex-Tanjong Group Forum (Fri, Nov 4, 2011 )
(1)   “In chemistry, we learn that extreme cold burns just as badly as does extreme heat.  I believe extremism (in any religion) can easily blur that thin line separating love and hate.  It can also cause one to mistake illusion for reality.  I learn to appreciate how Richard the Lion Heart could be motivated and influenced - from last few days' exchanges of religious views.  Frankly, it scares the living daylight out of me. I sincerely hope that nobody else (besides Rev. Camping) in the human race believes he/she is capable of knowing that date...

A person who believes, without reservation, in God sees God in everything ...A person who does not believe in God sees no God in anything ...A (Steve) Job-like person may see God in something ... Fortunately, or unfortunately, Rev. Camping "miscalculated", or we could have found out, first hand, on 21-OCT-2011...”

(2)  A religious zealot and a false prophet of dooms’ is a fitting description of Rev. Harold Camping...

   Rev. Harold Camping typified a living example of people in position of influence in our modern time making use of religions, politics, economic.... to practice cultures of fear and deceptions for the purpose of soliciting supports, exchanging truths for lies.”

One day the bubbles of religious, political, economic ... lies will explode.... intolerance, suppressions and legalism are signs.